Sunday 18 January 2015

I'm FINALLY learning to spin!

I bought my spinning wheel a little over a year ago - as soon as I got some money after Christmas.  My eagerness was killed slightly when I met up with a rather discouraging woman to try and get some spinning tips.  One year later and I'm finally getting down to learning how to use it - on my own - with the help of Youtube and a book that a couple of friends gave me.

There is no point in having this great big spinning wheel taking up room in my bedroom, I thought to myself, if I'm never even going to use it!  I'd never get rid of it as I'm actually quite proud of it.  I got an Ashford Kiwi 2 as it was advertised as being for beginners and I am a complete beginner.  It was also the cheapest I could find - and that must be taken into account!

The first bit of yarn that I spun that didn't curl up on itself entirely was incredibly bumpy and full of imperfections.  Despite this, I was so amazingly proud of myself, I took a picture of it and posted it on Facebook!!

Ok, I know it's not great - but I was delighted!

So, here are the videos that I found really useful!  I watched them a couple of times, going back to the bits that I had difficulty with - until I finally got something that slightly resembled yarn!

Ashford Learn to Spin

How to Spin Yarn on a Wheel - Absolute Beginner

Spinning on an Ashford Kiwi Wheel

I'm hoping that, over the next few months, I'll get better and better and finally be able to use the beautiful Hebridean fleece that is hanging up in the shed!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Easy Hoop Earrings

Happy Tutorial Tuesday!  :)  I had meant to do some shell tealights for this tutorial but I didn't get around to it.  Maybe next Tuesday....

Instead, I thought I would make some hoop earrings as I'm addicted to jewellery making at the moment!!

I got some memory wire some time ago for making bracelets but these bracelets take up so many beads.  These earrings are great fun to make - and very addictive!  You'll end up with so many pairs, you won't know what to do with them!  I'm keeping a pair for myself and I gave a pair to Mum.  Now all I have to do is persuade Ginny and Judith to get their ears pierced!

Making Easy Hoop Earrings

You will need:
  • 2 coils of memory wire
  • 2 earring hooks
  • 28 small beads - I used 12 6mm spacer beads and 16 4mm pearl beads
  • 2 Tibetan charms - I used some fairy charms
  • 4 jump rings
  • Wire cutters
  • Round nosed jewellery pliers
  • Flat nosed jewellery pliers are also useful for opening and closing jump rings

1)  Cut the memory wire so you are left with a full circle.  Repeat for the other earring.  You should use memory wire cutters as the wire is so strong it might blunt normal wire cutters.  Unfortunately, mine don't work!

2)  Thread 1/4 of the beads onto the wire

3)  Attach jump rings to the Tibetan charms.  You can open the jump rings with pliers.

4)  Put the charm on the wire using the jump ring.  This ensures it faces in the right direction.

5)  Thread another 1/4 of the beads onto the wire.  I made mine symmetrical.

6)  Bend one end of the wire upwards with the round nosed pliers.

7)  Curl the other end in on itself with the pliers.  You should be left with a loop.

8)  Fasten the ends together by threading the long end through the loop.

9)  Curl the long end in on itself a few times with the round nosed pliers

10)  Attach a jump ring to the loop you have just made.  Attach the earring hook to the jump ring.  Make sure it is facing the right way - you want the front of the charm facing out as you wear it.

And there you have it!!  Just remember to repeat the process for the other earring!!  :)

Things I would have done differently:

  • I should have taken more time when making the loops with the pliers.  I had to redo one of the earrings because my 1st attempt was too shoddy.

There are several variations you could try.  Why not thread beads onto some headpins and attach them to the earring?

Or try using bigger beads and a different charm:

Or make bigger hoops by cutting more wire:

Happy Crafting!!  :)

Thursday 8 January 2015

Yes, that's right. I name my craft things.

One of my most treasured possessions is my sewing machine.  When Mum and Dad got me it a few Christmasses ago, they wrote on a label "Believe in your ability and this will become your true friend".  I remember this every time I flick the switch on the side to turn it on.  I also remember it when I get cross because the thread it all taffled!!  It is a "brother" sewing machine so it made sense to name it Cadfael!

Then there is Grace - the very beautiful but not very practical vintage sewing machine.  I bought this at an auction a few months ago - I just couldn't help myself!  It's a lovely machine, with some very tatty instructions, which I would love to see working but I need some longer bobbins.  When Mum was teaching me to sew, she wanted to teach me on her great grandma's machine - a non electric one - but unfortunately it wasn't working so I've never used one like that before.  I can't wait to try it!

My spinning wheel...I haven't named yet.  It sits in the corner of my room and stares defiantly at me.  It taunts me!  Once I have finally learned to use it, I might give it a name but I'll probably call it something terrible!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Notebook Cover Tutorial

I don't often have New Year's resolutions but when one pops up and is staring me in the face, I tend to take notice! resolutions are:
  • To get the allotments sorted out.  I don't like to be pestered, especially when I know whoever is pestering me is right!!
  • To finish my degree - successfully!
  • and to finally get Wriggle Wraggle off the ground.

With the 3rd one in mind, I have decided to post a craft tutorial up every Tuesday.  I've not done many tutorials so it's a bit of a learning curve for me too.

The first Tutorial Tuesday is a Notebook Cover.  I bought some woollen fabric off ebay a while ago - I'm sorry - I just can't help myself.  They were only thin strips of material so I was wondering what I could use them for.  I came up with the idea while trying to think of Christmas presents to make.  I bought a notebook covered with a gorgeous fabric with mice on at a local craft fair about a year ago and I've been meaning to try it myself.  Here's how I did it:

Notebook Cover

You will need:
  • Thick fabric - I used wool
  • Contrasting fabric - you can use odds and ends that you've saved from other projects
  • Sewing machine - or you can sew it by hand if you have the patience!!
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors or pinking shears
  • Ribbon or lace (optional)
  • And, of course, a notebook!  I bought some small ones from Tesco a while back and I found that spiral notebooks are much easier to work with!
Step 1

Open the notebook and place it on top of the main fabric.  Cut the fabric at a suitable length but remember you will need a bit extra at each side to secure the cover in place.

Step 2

Cut the 2nd fabric so it is about 1'' wider than the 1st, and about 5'' long.

Step 3

Fold the sides down and pin them in place.  To ensure accuracy, use a tape measure and use an iron to fold down the sides

Step 4

Sew the sides down with a sewing machine or by hand so you are left with a perfect rectangle which fits wonderfully onto the main fabric!

Step 5

Sew the rectangle onto the main fabric - in the centre

Step 6

If you like, you can sew some lace or ribbon on the edge of the 2nd fabric.  I think this is really worthwhile as it makes it stand out.

Step 7

Turn the cover over and place the open notebook in the middle of it.

Step 8

Fold over the edges and sew in place using a blanket stitch.  This will keep the notebook in the cover.  Do this for all four corners.

Step 9

Put the notebook in the cover...

....and voilà!

Things I would have done differently

I think it's important to look back on your work and consider how you could make it better so...
  • I think I should have hemmed the woollen material as it started to fray.
  • and I should have taken more time over the blanket stitch to make it neater.
Well, there you have it.  There are all sorts of variations you could try.  Why not appliqué a design on the front?  For the raffle at my sister's RNLI concert, I made some covered notebooks and appliquéd a quaver note on the front.  You could even put in a little pocket on the front for some pens...the possibilities are endlesss....

Happy Crafting!!