Friday 14 February 2014

Tips for Crafty Time Management

Firstly, happy Valentine's Day! I shall be celebrating by walking the dog this evening, but I have loved seeing people's Valentine's day craft creations on Twitter! Unfortunately, I haven't been able do much crafting this last week.

Our little puppy – Orlando – is usually the reason I'm too busy. When a friend asked me this week if I had done any spinning I had to own up that, as I couldn't use my spinning wheel around Orlando, I hadn't managed to do any. This reminded me that I wanted to do a blog entry about overcoming the problem of time management! I acknowledge that I am useless at managing my time effectively myself, so Ginny has been good enough to share some of her advice:

Knitting is a time consuming hobby, or at least it is for me! I tend to take twice long over one stitch as most people and anywhere up to five minutes to complete a row of the baby's dress I'm in the middle of making. So it stands to reason that time management is crucial to my creativity. Here are some of my best hints:

Never begin a project without wanting to finish it. It's great to have plans but don't start with the actual making of it until you are ready.

Get your tools together before you start - you don't want to be halfway through and realize you have got to do more shopping.

Multi-task where possible. Since the arrival of our little puppy my feet have become amazingly dexterous so that I can be playing pull games with my feet and be knitting with my hands... I'm still trying to perfect the art of knitting with my toes - just kidding!

Steal moments. Time yourself to knit a row and if you have 5 minutes free and it takes three and half to knit a row, use this 5 minutes! Chipping away at knitting will finish your project surprisingly quickly.

Learn something new at the start of a day. Because knitting is, by its nature, a repetitive craft, if you have something new to learn o it in the morning. By the evening with a few stolen minutes you will have perfected it.

By far the most important tip is not to be discouraged. If you can't find time to craft right away try different time management patterns. Knit a row (or two or more) while the kettle boils or while the microwave is on. If things don't work - don't give up!

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